Skinny Rickies

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Skinny Rickies are an enemy in Katana Zero. They first appear in the Murdower Hotel mission, and appear in the Factory mission in Hard Mode.


True to their name, Skinny Rickies are tall and skinny, wearing white button down shirts and black pants with black suspenders. They all carry black clubs and wear their hair in a pompadour.


When they are unaware of the player, Rickies will either stand still or patrol the level.

When a Ricky is alerted by noises such as gunshots or explosions, or sees corpse fall into their line of sight, they will go to the source of the sound to investigate.

When a Ricky sees the player, they will chase them down and attempt to kill them with a swing of their club. Their club swing comes out instantaneously (as soon as they stop running) and can block the player's attacks, knocking them backwards and preventing them from swinging their sword again for a short time. If a Ricky blocks the player's attack, they will also be knocked back and stunned for a few seconds, before getting back up and resuming their attack.

Zero can roll under or through the hitbox of the swing and quickly slash behind him to quickly and easily kill them.



  • The Club mission reveals that Rickies belong to a club called "The Skinny Rickies". Those that are not members of the club are referred to as "Slender Richards."
  • The sprite files for these enemies call them "pomp" (presumably for "pompadour").