Dragon Tape
The Dragon Tape is the first level the player encounters after choosing "Life" in his final decision with the Masked Men. It is also the only level in Katana Zero where Fifteen is playable.
Plot Summary
This tape is played after Zero returns from the Chinatown mission and watches samurai movies with the Little Girl. After the tape is inserted, the player assumes control over Fifteen.
The prison guards speak about Fa Yuan, his upcoming trial, and whether they should have increased security or not. Fifteen breaks through the wall Prison wall, much to the surprise of the guards who warn him not to make any sudden moves.
The level continues as a straightforward hack-and-slash affair that turns into a cutscene by the time Fifteen arrives at Fa Yuan's jail cell.
When Fifteen enters the jail cell and confronts Fa Yuan, he will generally question him about Chronos and people associated with the NULL Project. Fa Yuan gives Fifteen a few notable names here, such as Leon Von Alvensleben and Omar Al-Qasim. He then states that he hasn't spoken to anyone but his lawyer for a number of years.
Regardless of what dialogue options the player chooses at the end of the discussion, Fifteen will always decide to kill Fa Yuan by slamming his face into his cell toilet with excessive force - leading to the events of Zero's mission to the Prison.
- First room: 4 enemies are waiting for Fifteen at the beginning: two special forces with guns, one special forces with a shield and a policeman. One more police officer is waiting for Fifteen upstairs. Behind the door there is a special force with a shield.
- Second room: a room with lots of lasers. A policeman and two special forces officers will be on the next floor: one of them holds a shield. And in the final room turret is waiting for Fifteen.
- Third room: a room with many of police officers, special forces and special forces with shields. All enemies can move through the doors.
- Fourth room: prison cells and patrolling enemies who are able to move through the doors. Down below are two policemen and one special force with a shield, one usual special force in a room nearby. In the floor above - three commandos and one policeman. On the top floor there are five more enemy, two of them with shields and one policeman.
- This is the only level in the game that is constituted of one "part". There is only the beginning section of the level.
- This cassette appears different from all the others in the level select, likely as a visual indicator of its different player-character.
- Upon the level starting, Fifteen not moving for an extended period of time seems to keep the guards on "high alert" but never actually attacking. The police also have a short conversation with each other.
Levels |