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Police gunmen are some of the most common enemies in Katana Zero, Besides Skinny Rickies and Strong Terry. They become more common the more you progress in the game, However, They appear most notably in hard mode. For a list of enemies, See Enemies.

They appear most notably in Mutual-nil Prison, Chinatown, Bunker, Bunker #2 and all hard mode levels.

Most police gunmen are accompanied by SWAT Team members, Either scanning besides them or tagging along them. Unlike SWAT Team members however, Police gunmen only use rifles, and have slightly quicker reaction time than normal gunmen, too. their attacks can be deflected with normal attacks.

In Chinatown, They can appear parking their car outside buildings or roads and exiting to shoot, and can be seen shooting at Zero in the The End cutscene.

In prison, they scan the area and shoot if they detect you. This can trigger a chain reaction and warn other police gunmen and SWAT Team members.