Savant Key

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Savant Key is an achievement in Katana Zero.


"Didn’t wake up Leon."


During the Slaughterhouse mission, there are three steps to keep Leon from noticing Zero:

  1. In the second room, you will see a giant monitor with a red wire leading out of the top-left. You will also see a tiny security camera with a blue LED attached to the ceiling. Kill the guard outside of the camera's range and immediatly cut the wire connected to the monitor, to prevent the blue LED turning red. If the camera LED stays blue, the room lights stay on and the sniper doesn't start shooting, you did this part right.
  2. In the large room with two conveyor belts, you will see four security cameras on the ceiling, blue LEDs are a sign that you did the first part right. To bypass these cameras, roll-dodge past the first two into the center area, then roll-dodge past the second two onto the second conveyor belt. If Leon does not appear on the screen and the automatic doors do not close, you did this part right.
  3. In the room right after the second step, you will see two cameras on the ceiling and explosives under the floor. Like in step 2, roll-dodge past the cameras then get into the room with the explosives. Loot the table to get the key and achievement.

Note: You can pause and restart each segment until you get it right.
