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Several enemies in the game are capable of launching different types of projectiles at Zero, made even more challenging in Hard Mode.

Types of Projectiles

  • Regular Bullets
    • These projectiles are often shot by Gunmen from single shot rifles or pistols. They are generally only dangerous if the player is caught off guard or taking unnecessary risks.

At times bullets can be shot in a semi-automatic fashion favored by Turrets and some types of rifles.

  • Pellets
    • Projectiles fired by shotgunners and shotgun trap, the spread of these pellets are entirely random along with their movement speed (the movement speed is constant for the trap). The best strategy for dealing with these weapons is to eliminate and Shotgunners as quickly as possible.
      • you can bypass these if you roll at the correct time
  • Thrown Items
    • While technically projectiles thrown by the player, they are still projectiles. Thrown projectiles can collide with enemy bullets which destroys both the thrown item and the bullet. Their danger to the player character is usually completely non-existent; but there are some cases where they can be dangerous. Close range molotovs and remote bombs set off too closely to the player will result in instant death.